$157.00 USD


I am excited and honored to be your therapist.  As we walk this journey toward health together I look forward to being a voice of encouragement to you.  Somatic Coaching Session is a chance for you to learn and care for yourself and to be cared for at the same time.

I understand that the therapist does not diagnose illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder. The therapist does not prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals. It has been made clear to me that manual therapy is not a substitute for medical examinations, treatment, or diagnosis, and that it is recommended that I see a physician for any physical ailment that I may be experiencing. 

I will state all my known medical conditions and have answered all questions honestly. I agree to keep the therapist updated as to any changes in my medical profile and understand that now or in the future there shall be no liability placed upon the therapist.

I am responsible for my own physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  This includes life choices before, during, and after my six-week class and any individual sessions with Melissa Russell or any staff/contractors at Melissa Pearl Russell or Quantum Healing Arts LLC.

Somatic Coaching Session

This sixty-minute online Somatic Coaching session will help you uncover your favorites of where and what you would like to do and be, discover what's in the way, and help you move toward that transformation your heart is yearning for.

This is for you, ready to get support as you take actionable steps toward feeling better in your body, mind, and spirit.

After you sign up you will get an email with the link to schedule your appointment. (check your spam:-) I have coaching spots that just opened up...available on Fridays.